Thursday, December 13, 2007

When is 'Spying on Your Competition' a Complete Waste of Time?

Your brain screams "Gimme Fast", "Gimme Easy", "Do it for me automatically"! So when you see the headline that reads...

"Imagine Spying On Your Competition To Build A Massive Targeted Keyword List Of 3000 Or More Keywords On Auto-Pilot... In 10 Minutes Or Less And Skyrocket Your Adsense Profits Quickly And Easily"

You think "Hmmmm. Sounds good. Looks intriguing..."

"Never Build Another Keyword List The Slow And Hard Way!"

Gosh. Is it possible?

"You must understand that this is a numbers game."

O.K. Now tell me something not quite so obvious.

The above headlines and subheadlines are quoted directly from a sales letter for a relatively new piece of software (no names will be mentioned here) that's intended to eliminate all the "hard work" of doing keyword research. It sounds exciting. No more tedious keyword research. Yes! I find life is so much more enjoyable when I don't have to engage my brain.

Don't pull out your credit card just yet.

With this particular product there's no need to review the entire sales letter to find out what else the software will do for you. It's all nicely summarized in the very first headline.

The sales letter includes a link to view a nice video presentation demonstrating how the software works, and it certainly appears to do exactly what the author says it will. I have no doubt that the program delivers on all of the promises of the sales letter, but what exactly are you getting?

Let's go back to the headline again...

"Imagine Spying On Your Competition To Build A Massive Targeted Keyword List Of 3000 Or More Keywords On Auto-Pilot... In 10 Minutes Or Less And Skyrocket Your Adsense Profits Quickly And Easily"

Again, I may be tempted to plop down one cool C Note, but what's wrong with this picture?

What doesn't this software tell you?

1) Keyword search frequency.
2) The amount of competition for any keyword.
3) Keyword bid cost in Google Adwords and/or the approximate Adsense value.

When you take the approach of "spying on your competition", be very careful not to give your competition too much credit for having done their homework. Maybe they did. Maybe they didn't.

If you generate a "highly targeted" keyword list of 3,000 keywords and you don't know the search frequency, the amount of competition for any of the keywords, the Adword bid cost or the approximate Adsense value, what do you do from there?

ANSWER: Start over.

Some marketers like to say that Wordtracker is just "So Expensive"! Have you seen the price of a "Value Meal" at McDonald's lately? "SuperSize It" and you've spent about the same amount of money that it would cost to gain access to Wordtracker for a day. As of the writing of this article, a one-day subscription to Wordtracker costs $7.65.

If you've never used Wordtracker before, you can easily learn all of the "how to's" in a few hours by using their tutorials, which are very well done. Now you still have 20 hours to do intelligent keyword research. You'll have the answers to the important questions that you really should be asking, and you'll have spent a whopping $7.65. Now that's an outstanding value.

Just because someone creates a software application that "automates" the work for you doesn't necessarily mean that the information you'll generate is worth anything.

Would you rather have...

- A big fat hairy list of 3,000 keywords with no real useful information about any of them.


- A truly valuable list of keywords with the search frequency and amount of competition for each and every keyword.

Choose the latter.

Begin with the end in mind. Formulate a plan. Think through your entire project and strategize.

When you learn how to use Wordtracker efficiently, you'll be able to research 10 niche markets in a day without breaking a sweat.

When it comes to keyword research, there are some shortcuts that you can take by using services like Wordtracker and even some very good software programs, but don't give in to the temptation to shift the gray matter into idle.

There are effective ways to build content sites and there are other "click a button and build a bazillion page site" methods. The shelf life of the latter is getting shorter every week.

In the words of the great Aretha Franklin, "Think. Thinka-think."

When Scintilating Near Nudity On eBay Pays You Well !

It may cause undue stress in their marriage unfortunate as that is. The fact that she cant remember where the other four are or the suspicion that they were broken by her husband - perhaps a remiss act, while washing dishes, that was hidden in the trash can long ago. But, regardless, the where abouts of the other four had been a contentious debate in the household ever since - well ever since that truly ugly Tiki cup sold on eBay last night for $118.00 and the backup bidder bought the other for $115.00. Yes, Miss Penny, aka, pennycopper22 (87) made one of those great sales on eBay that you hear about and wonder what on earth is this? The next Beanie Baby craze? So where are the other four Tiki mugs she just knows they had at one time?

Click on image to see in full view

Yes, another Seller hit pay dirt on Ebay. Well, it was a sale. And a good one. With a probable investment of a quarter at a yard sale too many years ago to recall - this was a good "sale" and even better in todays depressed market. It actually sold - unlike a lot of other items out there in auctionland at the present time.

Miss Penny has been on my Appraisals and Expert Help group for several years now. We have never met. But that does not stop a good online friendship forming. Somewhere along the way she got the eBay 'bug' and got to selling a few things here and there. Actually, she has been selling on eBay for five years now - how time flies when your having fun. Mostly Wedgwood, she loves Wedgewood. But also has an interest in Jasperware and Pfaltzgraff Pottery, Travel, and Cooking. She has expanded her repertoire of computer skills to include her own website, Penny's Pantry . Not bad for a little ole lady - its amazing how this eBay bugs heightens the desire to succeed in a world before unknown. Now Penny is expanding her horizons and she is going to be in charge of the CSV uploads and downloads on - currently she is working on the - The Open-Source Auction Network files, Auction Site Alliance Program , and the Auction Network USA. Who would have thought that two little ole fuddy duddy's like Penny and I would be working on facilitating our sales thru channeled auction communities and optimized search engines all those years ago when we were using on the wall wooden crank telephones on party lines?

Penny is of a generation, like I, that had not even heard of computers in school, let alone college. But here she is, all these years later in retirement, and out pandering on eBay. Oh what would Miss Daisy Mae have to say about that at the afternoon tea parties of ages gone bye. But its the odds and ends on eBay that bring strife to this household in this modern age - just where are those other four cups with a naked nymph on them anyway?

As the listing prices rose on eBay Penny expanded her horizons to include:,,,,, To some degree of success, she has listed on all hoping to find a niche where the listing costs are within the confines of the price of the product, where she has customer support, and she does not have to be a rocket scientist to figure out the billing each month.

But last night, yes, last night, she hit pay dirt. Well it would be paydirt if she could remember where those other four mugs are. The search is on. The cupboards are being searched high and low and it just has to be the hubby - yes he must have put them somewhere obscure. How tough is it to find four very dusty Tiki mugs resplendent with a naked lady on them - all the while of dubious quality china. Yes, a little ole lady hit paydirt on the red light district of eBay last night. Did anyone notice? Surely you did not miss this hotly contested little item? But where are those other four mugs - that is the four hundred dollar question today?

Where’s the best place to put Google Adsense Ads?

Why, on your web pages of course. Ok, just kidding. The real question should be: “Is there really any truth to the rumors that where you place those Google AdSense ads can actually improve response?” According to my best information, the answer to that question is: Yes.

Google’s own AdSense experts say that that there is a direct correlation between the placement of the AdSense ads and the resulting clickthrough.

When ads are placed in “content zones”, rather than in “advertising zones”, response rates on Google AdWords goes up. There are also indications showing that ads appearing on the right side of the page get clicked more than ads appearing on the left side.

Advertising analysts with degrees in human behavior and psychology have spent thousands of man-years (people-years?) studying how people read printed and Internet content and what it takes to get them to respond to ads. While some of these studies are proprietary, or are only available to anyone with $10,000 or more to spend on a copy, other studies have been made public and can be read by anyone who is interested.

Google themselves has released some relevant information which is focused directly on increasing your Google AdSense response. You can read their findings here (

Of course, all of the studies in the world aren’t worth a hill of beans if the findings don’t work on your web site. That’s why it is important to test, test and test again. Experiment with your Google AdSense placement and track the results over a period of time. Google provides response tracking tools in your AdSense control panel. Learn how to use them. As you begin to see what may be only subtle differences in response, you’ll be able to determine what works best for your particular site. But don’t get complacent. What’s working for you now might not work next month if you change your site design or content.

One of the most important factors in determining placement of your ads is the type of content that your site delivers. If you are primarily an e-commerce site, and you have a lot of pictures and ad copy for your own products competing for attention against AdSense ads, then it is going to be a particularly tough challenge getting any kind of decent Google AdSense clickthrough. It is situations like this that require very thorough testing and a lot of trial and error.

Blogs seem to have a lot of success generating high response rates to Google AdSense listings. Perhaps it’s because blog readers realize that ad revenue is the only way that their favorite blogmaster can keep the lights on, so the readers think of clicking on ads as a way to make a donation.

Regardless of what the experts say, your best bet is to tailor your Google AdSense ad placement to what your own experience shows works best for you. In the end, you’re the only expert who matters.

Why It's a BAD Idea To Promote Hot Selling Products on eBay

Do a quick search on Google, Yahoo, or your favorite auction resource site, and you'll quickly discover there are several software programs targeted to vendors who want to promote hot selling products on eBay.

The infatuation with hot selling products exists because sellers believe if you target items that have a robust sales pattern, you'll have a better chance at profiting on eBay. This is both true and false.

Yes... hot selling products can improve your bottom line. But unfortunately by the time the average eBay seller (a) realizes what the hot selling products are, (b) purchases stock to sell on eBay, and (c) actually puts the items up for sale, the demand is already being met by other eBay sellers who probably started the hot selling product trend some time ago.

Not only that, with thousands of people also having access to the same hot selling product lists, you'll have to contend with other eBay vendors who have the exact same ideas that you do. So you'll be up against the original sellers who are currently feeding the demand, AND doing the tango with newer sellers who have jumped on the same hot selling product bandwagon that you did.

Okay maybe this won't happen to you.

But suppose it does.

What if competition becomes so great that prices start dipping below the wholesale cost that you paid for the item? (It happens all the time on eBay.) And what if you lose $100, $200, or even $1,000 on inventory that you thought would be flying off the shelf? Suddenly that hot selling item is looking rather cold sitting in your garage collecting dust.

So if not hot selling products on eBay, then what?

Do what the majority of PowerSellers do. Sell what you want, instead of what's hot. Repeat after me, "Every day ordinary items sell extremely well on eBay... Every day ordinary items sell extremely well on eBay... Every day ordinary items sell extremely well on eBay." Allow this to become your mantra, because it is very much true.

I know this from first-hand experience as I analyze top sellers instead of hot products. And my research has continuously shown me that mediocre products don't necessarily translate into mediocre sales.

For instance, there's a seller right now who clears about $1,000-$2,000 a week selling magnets. And that's AFTER eBay and PayPal fee's. Another seller promotes homemade CD's to a specific audience and clears $900-$2,000 a week. A few sellers make $500-$700+ a week - after expenses - promoting public domain information. And the cool thing about public domain information is that anybody can sell it because it's free. So that's pure profit by selling something they never paid for. Talk about the ultimate arbitrage opportunity!

The ultimate key in succeeding no matter what product you end up selling, is to build a successful strategy. To figure out 'how' to profitably market what you have, instead of chasing after the next great thing. Because once you have the strategy part down, you can sell anything on eBay and make it a hot seller to your bank account.

Winning the (r) Google AdSense War

Some owners of content sites are earning four and even five-figure incomes per month selling "nothing." They're doing this by selling their targeted traffic to other websites through Google's AdSense program.

If you're not familiar with (r)AdSense, it's where (r)Google pays website owners ("publishers") to run ads on their sites. Google accepts paid ads from advertisers, and then shares this revenue with the publishers who allow these ads to be displayed on their sites. They pay based upon clicks generated from the publishers' sites.

Many publishers have discovered that running Google AdSense ads is more lucrative, and less trouble, than marketing their own products or services. So an entire industry has sprang up around monetizing websites using AdSense and other pay-per-click programs.

The "industry" is mature enough that seminars are even held that teach how to best monetize your content sites. I'll be attending a seminar, in New Orleans, Louisiana, on September 9th - 11th, 2005, that has this very focus. You can read more about it at:

Since MOST people I've communicated with aren't earning four or five-figure incomes per month, let's examine how you increase your chances of earning these amounts.

First of all, your website has to be on a topic (a niche) where people are spending lots of money. There are niches where advertisers often spend $40 - $50 per click... just to get visitors to their websites. Obviously, these visitors buy "things" on these websites that make it worthwhile to pay that much for the traffic.

In case you're wondering what keywords any "sane" marketer would spend $50 on a single click for, read on...

Certain visitors to websites, that later convert to customers, could literally be worth thousands, even millions, to marketers. These marketers know the lifetime value of their visitors, and have the conversion rates calculated! Markets where customers can be this lucrative include legal/lawsuits, medical, higher education, real estate, new and used vehicles, investments, travel, and products offering residual income. There are many others.

I actually have a list of over 9000 keywords that I consult when building a new site, or optimizing an existing site. Doesn't it makes perfect sense to create sites that attract visitors with a high value-per-visitor?

You can grab a copy of my list along with a few personal notes on how to monetize these high-value keywords at:

The keywords on the list above range from 93 cents to $108 per click. There ARE higher priced keywords but you probably don't want to focus on them since the competition can be incredibly cutthroat. There are niches where your competitors will actually sabotage your efforts. Money does that to some people :-)

It makes economic sense to build a site around topics where people are actually spending money already.

It makes sense to target a market where people have money to spend - and they expect to spend it on products similar to yours. In that sense, you can even set up site designed to generate traffic for governmental agencies, foundations, charities, etc. It's all about getting in front of the traffic and then re-directing that traffic to those willing to pay for it.

When setting up content sites, it's important that you not violate the terms-of-service at the pay-per-click management firm that you plan on using. For example, Google actually tells you that you should not build sites just for their AdSense program. Yet, they need sites to display their customers' ads in order for their program to work.

It's a delicate balancing act. Google wants to deliver relevant clicks to their customers. They know that traffic coming from "junky" or "spammy" sites may not convert as well for their customers. This would lower their customers ROI, and lead to many unhappy customers. This would drive Google's customers to their ever-growing competitors.

Google wants webmasters that have quality, targeted traffic to run AdSense Ads. When you set up a free blog on Google's they even have the AdSense invitation "programmed" into the signup process.

So how DO you win the Google AdSense War and get your share of that multi-billion dollar advertisers' revenue stream? You build high-quality content sites that focus on niches where people are spending money. It's as simple as that. You let those already doing it teach you what works best - it's a easy as that!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Make Money Tearing Up Old Books and Magazines and Selling Them on eBay

For the past few years I've been tearing up old books and magazines, and selling them on eBay. Other people's "rubbish" is earning me $20 a time - sometimes a great deal more - every single day!

It's an easy business and items other people throw away can attract fierce bidding and incredible profits for me and other lucky sellers.

We're selling prints and advertisements, crochet and woodworking patterns, recipe books and other niche market publications, alongside hundreds more totally different items, all taken from books, magazines and newspapers that are available in profusion and cost very little.

Let's start with old prints, they're incredibly good sellers, especially popular themes like: animals, sports (especially golf and horse racing), royalty, music hall artists, topographical (named locations) and children.

Very early magazines contained lots of prints, the best being Illustrated London News, The Graphic, Sketch, Sphere, and all you do is remove prints carefully, trim the rough edges, package to protect and make them more attractive, then list them on eBay.
These tips will help you get started in this hugely profitable business:

* Frame your prints for extra add-on value. Look for old (antique and modern) picture frames at boot and garage sales, flea markets and collectors' fairs, and make a point of visiting auctions where boxes of frames can be bought at a pittance.

* Have black and white prints and engravings hand colored and mounted or framed to increase the value of even the most common and cheapest print.

* Give a Certificate of Authenticity. This is simply a sheet of paper, with or without decorative border, which testifies that the print is original and taken from a specific source published on a particular date. The certificate is always taped lightly to the back of the print in the mount so that it cannot be removed and added to another print obtained elsewhere.

* Make your listing for the print descriptive and include details that are likely to attract bidders and be sure to include words they might use to find products like yours.

* Make sure your listings include age, theme, date and source of your prints.

* If your original book is special, say a first edition, or a limited edition, say so in your listing. To people viewing your listings it might make the difference between a sale and giving your product the miss.

* Take great care removing prints from publications. We tend to open the book midway and fold it back on itself, making it very easy to break or weaken the spine and therefore loosen the pages.

* A great place to get quality mounts very inexpensively is on eBay itself. Go to the search facility, request a search for items locally (so many available it isn't worth looking long distance), and use keywords like: "mounts", "photo mounts", and wait for a nice selection of suppliers to appear, some selling items by auction, others offering "Buy It Now".

* When you find a good supplier stick to that person and even buy their items outside of eBay without breaking eBay's rules of course.

There's more to it than just prints, you have the pick of dozens of different products to sell, all from old books and magazines, and just a few minutes easy work. Did I say "work", this isn't work, this is exciting stuff!

Make Money Quick With Google Adsense

Do you want to make money quick? In this article we are going to
talk about one of the quickest ways you can make money. Making
money quick is not only possible there are people doing
it everyday with Google Adsense.

Google AdSense delivers text and image ads that match the
content on your website. These are very targeted ads that you
can choose the size and color of and they come across to your
customer as helpful more than an ad itself.

Google Ads require virtually no maintenance and they help you
put advertising on your website without actually having to deal
with advertisers yourself. If you can copy and paste a small
code you can have targeted advertising on your website in

Adsense is simple to join and it is free to join. Whether you
are an internet newbie or a veteran you can profit quickly by
placing Google Adsense ads on your web pages.

Since Google does all of the work by finding the most profitable
ads for your pages you can do what you do best....provide good
content and lots of it. The more web pages you create the
quicker you will be making money. You can learn more here:

Once you have joined Google Adsense you will want to combine
Google search with AdSense to monetize more of your web pages.
You can do this by placing a Google search box on your pages.
Google AdSense combines Google's search technology with
thousands of keyword advertisers to deliver targeted text-based
ads to search result pages. People find these ads useful and
click on them, and when they do, Google pays you.

You can see an example of how this works right here on this web
page. In fact we combine Google search and Google Adsense on
almost every website and web pages we create. We have found it a
very easy way to make money quick and to make money over and
over. It's great.

The internet offers many ways to make money quick. The nice
thing about Google Adsense is you have the largest search engine
in the world doing your advertising for you. This truely allows
you to make money quickly and you can do it over and over with
as many products as you want.

Make Money Blogging

You have created a blog and your blog is dedicated to a niche industry. Have you ever thought that the blog could make money for you? We would look here in this article, ways and means, to make money blogging. Lets first have a look at what are the prerequisites for a blog needed to make money:

1. Blog needs to be dedicated to a niche market.
2. Updated regularly.
3. Enough back links (Don't worry for it. Directory submission would be enough to begin with)
4. Good blog host or application (blogger, Xanga or typepad recommended), and
5. High quality articles or news items supported with images.

Get the above criteria in place and Hurrah... You are ready to Make Money Blogging.

Top 5 Ways to Make Money Blogging

Lets now take a look at top 5 ways using which you could make money blogging:

1. Google Adsense
Google Adsense delivers text and image ads to the authorized websites/blogs depending on the content of the website. Small code is required to be pasted at proper locations on a webpage and Google automatically recognizes the page. Google shares the revenue it gets from the advertisers whenever a visitor clicks on these ads.

Google bills advertisers on price per click basis (PPC). Advertisers are required to pay only when any visitor clicks on their ads. They bid against each other for the keywords in order to receive better placement and thus prices for each keyword differ from one another. It is better to choose keywords for your blog which pays high $ per click.

2. Amazon
Amazon Associate program is another important way to make money blogging. The Amazon Associate program gives opportunity to website/blog publishers to promote any product from its inventory by adding a predefined code to their website/blog, which, when clicked by a visitor, takes them to the relevant product page. Once the visitor buys the product, the blog owner will be compensated with a commission.

3. Blogads
You can use Blogads as an effective tool to have a better control over the advertisers in your blogs. You can analyze and compare your profits with any one of your online agencies. Blogads can be simply specified as an advertising service used for the web logs or blogs. From the total money generated by Blogads, it retains 20% of it and the remaining money is paid to you through PayPal or checks.

Alternative Services:

• Crispads is another useful network focused on the blogs. You can put your advertisements in their blogs using Crispads. You can move through their RSS/ATOM feeds that help in generating revenues.
• Tagword – It is similar to Blogads. It makes you select the ads and their price.

Users can place their text-based ads in the site within minutes and the ads will be displayed instantly on the website.

4. Affiliate Programs
Your affiliate programs can help you earn a lot of money for selected products and services. Lot of websites offers you to become affiliate members. These affiliate programs can provide a better reach and an in-depth exposure to the products. The commissions for the sales differ according to the quality of the product, sales and marketing strategy involved. You can gather information related to the commissions by looking into the catalogues of Link Share and Commission junctions.

5. Text Links
Text links has emerged out to be the best form of moneymaking source that you can use instead of cluttering or crowding the page with ads. You don’t have to make these text links prominent within your website. This link can act as an extra value to your site and will also help to promote the rankings of other sites. In most of the cases you will find these text links placed in the bottom of the web pages. The best part of this strategy is that the publishers send and accept links as the market continues to grow.

8 Dolls That Sell Well on eBay

From the beginning, eBay's primary growth came from the
collectibles market. There are two basic models for eBay

1. Currently available consumers goods. This is a price-
driven model, and although smart sellers can earn above-
average prices, buyers are there looking for a bargain and
price is the #1 consideration.

2. Other buyers are collectors, looking for one-of-a-kind
unique items that they can't locate elsewhere. Here, price
isn't as important as it is with consumer goods. The power
of this market is obvious because, before eBay and the
Internet, most collectors were confined to a local market.

Dolls have always been big sellers as eBay collectibles and
eight of them are especially strong sellers:

1. The Cabbage Patch Kids began in 1978 and are never
"sold". They are 'born' at Babyland General Hospital in
Cleveland, Georgia and proud parents pay an 'adoption fee'.
The Cabbage Patch Kids were one of the greatest toy
phenomenons of the later 20th century. At one time, it was a
common sight to see grown women shopping and lunching with
their babies in hand. In restaurants, the Kids had their own
chairs and were always appropriately dressed for the

2. Precious Moments began in the early 1970s when creator
Sam Butcher began drawing the endearing teardrop-eye
children as gifts for family and friends. Today Sam's
Precious Moments artwork is among the most recognized in the
world, and eBay prices reflect this popularity.

3. Madame Alexander dolls were created in 1923. These
beloved dolls range from Charlie Brown to babies and
children to elegant dressed women to glamorous and famous
women like Greta Garbo and Judy Garland. With all the
varieties of costumes, a single doll can be a 1920s flapper
as easily as a member of the court of Louis XIV.

4. Lee Middleton dolls, according to legend, are so real in
appearance that grown men sent for a rescue squad to save
"the baby" from a locked car! Mistaken identity is
supposedly a frequent occurrence and the dolls have been
counted as "passengers" on airplanes and rescued from store
countertops to prevent the 'baby' from falling. As one happy
owner says, "These dolls are so lifelike it's uncanny."

5. American Girl dolls are loved by millions of little girls
(and grown ups, too!) They are not only from different times
and places, but are ethnically diverse: Felicity from
colonial Virginia; Josephina from the 1830's in New Mexico;
Kirsten is "a pioneer girl of strength and spirit growing up
in Minnesota in 1854"; Addy is alive in the 186o's, having
escaped from slavery with her mother; Samantha is "a bright
Victorian girl living with her wealthy grandmother in 1904";
Kit is growing up in 193os, during America's Great
Depression; Molly lives in the 1940's while her dad is away
at war; Kaya is a Nez Perce Indian living in the northwest.

6. Hasbro dolls are one of the products of the gigantic
Hasbro company, who claim to have been making toys for eight
generations, including famous games like Monopoly, Scrabble
and Clue.

7. Bratz dolls, unlike older dolls like Madame Alexander and
Cabbage Patch Kids, have no long history as favorite toys or
collectibles. Nevertheless, their price has astonished eBay
sellers and the Bratz collection was one of the 'super hits'
of the 2003 holiday season and sales have been strong ever

8. And, no surprise, Barbie is the best-selling doll on
eBay. Since Mattel has recently announced that Ken and
Barbie will no longer be an "item", dolls from the 'good old
days' when the name "Barbie" was rarely heard without 'Ken',
will inevitably become more valuable.

Anyone who loves and understands the doll market, can do
very well selling dolls on eBay. They've been strong
sellers for the 10 years eBay has been in existence and are
almost certain to remain popular for years to come.

Monday, December 3, 2007

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You dont just have to view the ads but also encourage others to join the ClixSense Network cuz for every user you bring to the network fetches you 10 cents and if any user fetches another user under your downline, you get 5 cents. In this way, you can earn upto 6 levels.